An open letter to Senator Craig Thomas of Wyoming
Senator Thomas:
I'd like you to seriously consider backing the non-binding action regarding the war in Iraq. I think it's time for our congress to turn away from its timid practices (or lack of) and look out for our men and women who are in harm's way which has resulted due to the world's largest boondoogle ever committed.
Let's spend the money for redeployment of our troops and anyone in Iraq who really wants out. We did it before in Vietnam, didn't we? I've no shame in our country about what happened in Vietnam in terms of not "winning the war." We've spilled enough of our own blood in Iraq—no one can accuse us of not caring. It would have been nice if things would have worked out better, but there's no indicators that promise a better tomorrow under the current policies and resulting circumstances. I don't believe in beating our head against this wall any longer... do you?
It's water under the bridge, but the money we are spending could have been used for so many other things that would better our country and the world—alternative energies come to mind. Let's not be afraid to say, "We made a mistake in Iraq."
Morgan Tyree
Powell, Wyoming
Good morning Morgan . . .
Thank you for contacting me regarding the
War on Terrorism. It is good to hear from
As you know, a number of non-binding
resolutions and legislative platforms
regarding the War on Terrorism being fought
in Iraq have been introduced in the Senate.
However, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)
and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
did not come to an agreement on the number
or content of resolutions to be considered
regarding the President's plan to send
reinforcements to Iraq. Majority Leader
Reid filed for cloture to end debate on a
new strategy for Iraq. However, Minority
Leader McConnell objected due to Majority
Leader Reid's refusal to allow the Senate to
vote on different proposals regarding the
President's plan for Iraq. Therefore, the
Senate has been unable to bring any of the
resolutions up for a final vote.
I believe it is premature to have a non-
binding resolution on Iraq that will have no
impact on what we're trying to achieve over
there. The Senate can certainly debate the
issues surrounding this mess we have on our
hands. I am confident the Senate will get
more than enough time to debate Iraq even
further with the upcoming supplemental
budget request. It is just pure political
posturing to be sounding off on competing
resolutions, just on the heels of confirming
General Petraeus to get to work on our new
strategy. These resolutions will only serve
to highlight our differences and undermine
our efforts to achieve positive results for
that struggling country.
Things have not gone well in Iraq. We have
discounted our previous strategy and the
President has agreed that mistakes were
made. However, President Bush has installed
new leadership and a new strategy. We need
to make decisions from where we are now at
this point in the fight. One thing is for
sure - no new positive results will be
achieved from the political posturing that
we're seeing now with these resolutions.
Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with
me. I appreciate knowing your views on this
important issue, and I hope this finds you
Best Regards,
Craig Thomas
United States Senator
From Senator Mike Enzi (Wyoming)
Dear Morgan:
I appreciate knowing your support for a resolution opposing an increase in troop strength for military operations in Iraq. Vigorous and open debate is critical in a democracy and the House of Representatives and Senate continue to have lengthy deliberations on the future of military operations in Iraq. This debate will continue for the duration of military operations.
The Senate had two procedural votes on non-binding resolutions pertaining to Iraq. On February 5, 2007, I voted against the motion to proceed to S. 470, introduced by Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) expressing the sense of Congress on Iraq. The motion to proceed was not invoked on S. 470 by a vote of 49-47. On February 17, 2007, the Senate voted on S. 574, to express the sense of Congress on Iraq, introduced by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). The motion to proceed to consideration of measure withdrawn was defeated by a vote of 56-34. Sixty votes were needed, and I voted against the motion.
I do not support congressional micro-management of military operations. The Senate voted 81-0 to confirm General David H. Petraeus on January 26, 2007 as the new Combat Commander for Iraq. General Petraeus was responsible for writing the Army's new counter-insurgency manual and creating the new military strategy for Iraq. The Senate unanimously approved General Petraeus to lead our forces in Iraq. The Senate should not undermine his authority by passing S. 470, S. 574 or other non-binding resolutions. We need to allow General Petraeus to carry-out his mission in Iraq.
I continue to advocate that troop redeployment decisions should be made by military leaders and the Combat Commanders who are on the ground in Iraq. I do not favor a set redeployment date, reporting to our enemies in language "cut in stone." I also oppose cutting funds for our military in the field. Congress must provide them with the resources they need whey they need it. I fully support our armed forces personnel in their current military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I want our troops to come home as soon as possible. My goal has always been for American armed forces to stand down as the Iraqi forces stand up. However, the United States cannot abandon the efforts of the people who have sacrificed so much.
The Iraqi government realizes the need for stability in Iraq and achieved the first benchmark. Their parliament has approved an equitable split of oil revenues between the three factions. This is one step towards reconciliation so our troops can complete their mission.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important issue. I understand we may disagree, but I appreciate being able to explain my position.
I want my constituents to have access to a more complete view of Congress and my activities so I have started a monthly e-newsletter. It is a brief summary of important issues and happenings. I encourage you to sign up on my web page at enzi.senate.gov. You can unsubscribe at anytime.
I'll give them credit for writing back, but their response is no surprise. This is why they will not get my vote in the future. Further, I will go as far as to work for their opposition in seeing to that they are unseated.
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