I read the Northwest Trail with interest about the facilitator visits on campus recently here at Northwest College. As some of you know, Dr. Pamila Fisher—a facilitator and mediator—was invited to assist us in working through the turmoil of last year as a result of a few significant and controversial events. In particular what caught my attention was her call to “creating a positive environment” by avoiding the use of email and blogs to criticize one another.
I agree with Dr. Fisher’s declaration as long as we’re focusing on the idea of personal attacks via email and blogs. But, I have to wonder if her counsel could be misconstrued, thus demonizing those who voice their opinions via email and blogs—like me.
Lately, there’s been much talk about the merits of face-to-face discussions over email and blogging. I don’t want to pooh-pooh dialog in the flesh but, it has its drawbacks as well when compared to email and blogging. For one, face-to-face discussions can get quite “passionate” leading to the parties involved saying things they regret. Further, face-to-face meetings often don’t include everyone that should be considered in the discussion.
On the other hand, email and blogging gets everyone involved (that wants to be involved) right away—and if nothing else, produces concerned spectators. “Hiding behind one’s computer” (as some consider it) allows for rationale, careful and organized thoughts to be worked out. Sure I’ve said a few things I regretted after pressing the “send” button, but I’ve regretted much worse and more often when carrying out a discussion in person.
I’m not advocating email and blogging over face-to-face dialog, but I’m also not saying face-to-face is clearly superior either.
Dr. Fisher was quoted in the Trail saying, “I also encourage you that while you’re practicing these things (i.e., not emailing or blogging?) and you have a colleague who does not, to consider having the courage to stand up to them and suggest that it might be better if they did. That’s probably the toughest one on the list.”
Consider me told. Nevertheless, I can be found in FAB 13 where I will gladly refer you to this entry.
Dissent in its many gradations is disagreeable, doesn’t win popularity contests. If you had criticized slavery or child labor or advocated women’s suffrage in America in the wrong time or place, you could have been handcuffed, and lucky at that… Dissent can be a dicey business. If it’s not at least a bit uncomfortable, it’s probably not real dissidence. —Edward Hoagland
Friday, September 24, 2010
Dialogue Diplomacy
Monday, September 06, 2010
The Mosque Masquerade
I’m thinking about building a mosque in my backyard. One problem: there might not be enough space given my small, in-town lot. Perhaps I’ll settle for a lone minaret.
It would probably be a good idea to convert to Islam before I get started too. I don’t want to come across as some disrespectful infidel mocking Islam.
I don’t know... Honestly, my heart’s not really into it. But, if I had the disposable cash and a little less common sense, I’d do all of these just to piss off the growing gathering of Islamophobiacs.
Islamophobia 101...
Islamophobiac is another name for the God-fearing, banner-waving, Fox-News-crazed, wear-it-on-your-sleeve, love-it-or-leave-it “Americans” who oppose the new Cordoba House Islamic Cultural Center slated for construction near “ground zero” in Lower Manhatten. The cultural center has been likened to a typical urban YMCA, but will include a mosque instead of a chapel.
It comes as no surprise that Islamophobiacs are the same folk who believe President Obama is a Muslim and was born overseas too. Too bad he isn’t a Muslim for the same reason as in paragraph number three.
One I-phobiac said, “It’s a deliberate Muslim thumb in the eye to survivors of the terrorist attacks to build the facility on such hallowed ground.” Admittedly, when I first heard of this, I assumed we were talking about the first-ever mosque destined for New York City—or at least Manhattan. Then, I heard a sound bite about an existing mosque somewhere else in town. Later, I wondered if I had heard correctly and found myself googling “mosque in New York City” that resulted in the graphic with this blog. So, what do the I-phobiacs make of the half-dozen or more Islamic centers and mosques that are already in Manhattan—or the city’s 100-plus mosques located throughout its five boroughs?
Here’s another argument against the cultural center that jumped out at me... “The whole connotation of putting a mosque on conquered lands has overtones here.” Since when was New York City classified as “conquered?” Has anyone considered informing a typical New Yorker that they have been “conquered?” Whoever sides with this viewpoint should take a lesson from the Japanese about all the Americans that were in their country (running it) after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were leveled. I think they lost a few more than 3,000 civilians too. Anyone care to have a discussion about “turning the other cheek?”
Since a handful of Muslims brought down the World Trade Center, I could argue that we need to tear down the synagogues since a handful of Jews crucified Jesus? And surely the churches would be fair game too since their members have killed prostitutes, doctors, teachers and government workers—all in the name of Jesus.
Come to think of it, might as well get rid of religion altogether because all it does is make us feel good about ourselves (and there’s plenty of that going around these days) while excusing us to kill those who don't use the same nuts and bolts when it comes to worshipping God.
Location, Location, Location...
And all of this because the cultural center would be a mere two blocks from the hallowed “ground zero.” Isn’t two blocks in New York City/Manhatten pretty much like... two different worlds? If two blocks is really too close, how far is far enough? Four blocks? How about anywhere but Lower Manhatten? Anywhere but NYC? Sadly, I believe the most popular average American answer is “Anywhere but America.”
Maybe “Anywhere But America” will be the next bumper sticker along with “Not My President.”
I understand where the opponents of this project are coming from. Even President Obama questioned the sensibility of it all. Knowing the building will be so close to Ground Zero, I can almost appreciate how some might feel salt is being rubbed into our wounds, especially if they are truly unaware of all the other mosques in the New York City “gigalopolis.”
And perhaps that’s what really needs to happen here. Given America’s predominant Christian roots, this is the time to practice one of the more memorable teachings of Christ—as it relates to the events of September 11, 2001—“in turning the other cheek.” That said, even now might be too late given the two wars we initiated. Nevertheless, the opportunity to appreciate and welcome a lesson in tough love has arrived. As a country, we would do well in the eyes of the world if we simply all sat down, shut up and took our medicine. And wouldn’t that at least be a modest and admirable Christian gesture?
It would probably be a good idea to convert to Islam before I get started too. I don’t want to come across as some disrespectful infidel mocking Islam.
I don’t know... Honestly, my heart’s not really into it. But, if I had the disposable cash and a little less common sense, I’d do all of these just to piss off the growing gathering of Islamophobiacs.
Islamophobia 101...
Islamophobiac is another name for the God-fearing, banner-waving, Fox-News-crazed, wear-it-on-your-sleeve, love-it-or-leave-it “Americans” who oppose the new Cordoba House Islamic Cultural Center slated for construction near “ground zero” in Lower Manhatten. The cultural center has been likened to a typical urban YMCA, but will include a mosque instead of a chapel.
It comes as no surprise that Islamophobiacs are the same folk who believe President Obama is a Muslim and was born overseas too. Too bad he isn’t a Muslim for the same reason as in paragraph number three.

Here’s another argument against the cultural center that jumped out at me... “The whole connotation of putting a mosque on conquered lands has overtones here.” Since when was New York City classified as “conquered?” Has anyone considered informing a typical New Yorker that they have been “conquered?” Whoever sides with this viewpoint should take a lesson from the Japanese about all the Americans that were in their country (running it) after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were leveled. I think they lost a few more than 3,000 civilians too. Anyone care to have a discussion about “turning the other cheek?”
Since a handful of Muslims brought down the World Trade Center, I could argue that we need to tear down the synagogues since a handful of Jews crucified Jesus? And surely the churches would be fair game too since their members have killed prostitutes, doctors, teachers and government workers—all in the name of Jesus.
Come to think of it, might as well get rid of religion altogether because all it does is make us feel good about ourselves (and there’s plenty of that going around these days) while excusing us to kill those who don't use the same nuts and bolts when it comes to worshipping God.
Location, Location, Location...
And all of this because the cultural center would be a mere two blocks from the hallowed “ground zero.” Isn’t two blocks in New York City/Manhatten pretty much like... two different worlds? If two blocks is really too close, how far is far enough? Four blocks? How about anywhere but Lower Manhatten? Anywhere but NYC? Sadly, I believe the most popular average American answer is “Anywhere but America.”
Maybe “Anywhere But America” will be the next bumper sticker along with “Not My President.”
I understand where the opponents of this project are coming from. Even President Obama questioned the sensibility of it all. Knowing the building will be so close to Ground Zero, I can almost appreciate how some might feel salt is being rubbed into our wounds, especially if they are truly unaware of all the other mosques in the New York City “gigalopolis.”
And perhaps that’s what really needs to happen here. Given America’s predominant Christian roots, this is the time to practice one of the more memorable teachings of Christ—as it relates to the events of September 11, 2001—“in turning the other cheek.” That said, even now might be too late given the two wars we initiated. Nevertheless, the opportunity to appreciate and welcome a lesson in tough love has arrived. As a country, we would do well in the eyes of the world if we simply all sat down, shut up and took our medicine. And wouldn’t that at least be a modest and admirable Christian gesture?
Fox News,
ground zero,
New York City,
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