Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Fallacy of Calendars & Weather

May Snow
Originally uploaded by mdt1960
Yesterday was May 1 and as I made my way for the door, I started to reach for my gloves considering the blustery day that awaited, but than caught myself and decided that with May's arrival, I would go without gloves until they were required again—sometime in the distant October.

This morning I awoke to a wet two-inches of snow on the ground and what appears to be a punishing Wyoming wind. What am I to make of that—nature sticking it back in my face, further proof that I'm really not that intelligent?

So many times over the years—usually in April—I tell someone how, almost without fail, we will have at least one snow fall in May, and sometimes after graduation and its exodus of students from the campus. I'm always amused by that scenario where summer recess is here and it's still snowing.

We're still a week away from graduation.

1 comment:

haiku curmudgeon said...

Great image MT - worth several K words to another Wyomingite who felt the storm on May 2